Asphalt Painting and Sealcoating

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably think of asphalt painting and sealcoating as a one-time summer project. However, proper maintenance is key to keeping your asphalt looking its best and lasting for years.

Here are a few tips for keeping your asphalt in good condition:

  • Make sure to clean your asphalt before painting or sealcoating. Debris and dirt can prevent the coating from adhering properly.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying paint or sealant. Using the wrong product or applying it incorrectly can damage your asphalt.
  • If you’re using a sealant, make sure to apply it evenly. If it’s applied too thickly in one area, it can cause the asphalt to buckle.
  • Keep in mind that asphalt painting and sealcoating is a temporary fix. It’s important to schedule regular maintenance to keep your asphalt looking its best.